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Instagram AR Filters For Good Causes

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Augmented Reality (AR) filters have been widely used by brands since Instagram opened up AR filters for brands to create their own brand filters. This is the same in both Singapore and Malaysia, where brands have made good use of the new engaging tool to connect meaningfully with their followers.

However, Instagram AR filter can be used for more than just promoting a brand's message. It can be used to promote an educational or motivational message too! Below are some of the Instagram AR filters we have designed and developed for the good of humanity (Ok, maybe not to this extent and the intention is definitely good! )

Learning CPR with Red Cross Singapore CPR Instagram AR Filter

CPR is an important life skill everyone should learn because you never know when you need it to save someone in need! To promote learning of CPR among the youth, GOWAAA worked closely with CPR experts from Red Cross Singapore to develop an Instagram AR filter that teaches CPR steps to users. Once the Instagram AR filter is launched, you will go through the following steps that are aligned to the CPR manual provided by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council:

  1. Check surroundings for danger by moving your phone left & right to see the surrounding

  2. Show a message to get someone to get AED

  3. Show a message to get help and call 995 will appear (But you don't have to do that of course)

  4. Begin chest compression by tapping on the mannequin's chest

  5. Follow the sound beat to maintain 30 consistent compression

  6. When AED arrived, tap on AED to deploy it on the mannequin

  7. Tap on AED again to deliver a shock after analyzing the victim, sound prompt will instruct you when to deliver shock and stay clear

  8. Continue 30 chest compression

  9. Hooray, either victim has regained consciousness or an ambulance would have arrived by this time

This CPR Instagram AR filter will not get you certified to be a First Aider, but it might get your interest to learn more about CPR and who knows, might even be useful to you in times of need if you remember some of the steps!

Learning Safe Distancing with WHO Philippines Instargam AR Filter

Physical or safe distancing has never been more important since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it is not something that most people are used to, especially among the youth. Hence, GOWAAA collaborated with WHO Philippines to develop an Instagram AR filter that can measure the distance of someone's face from your phone. In the video above, whenever someone is closer to you than 1 m, the recommended safe distancing by WHO, an alarm will sound off to remind you to keep the distance. Of course, no one in real life will really use this AR filter to measure the distance from someone else, but it is a fun way to challenge youth to use this Instagram filter to come out with creative content to promote safe distancing.

Sending Positive and Sanitation Messages with Lifebuoy Singapore Instagram AR Filter

Although this is a branded AR Instagram filter, the secondary intention of Lifebuoy Singapore is to send positive messages to their audiences amid the depressing circuit breaker lockdown. Aside from the cute cheerful faces which you can attach to a cup or wall, random words of encouragement/advice for sanitation will be generated after a video is recorded. This provides a different outcome for each use, hence promoting repeated uses by the users to get the ideal messages they want. The same Instagram AR filter has also been adapted to different Lifebuoy Instagram account of different countries and languages, such as Arabic and Vietnamese, to cater to audiences from different countries.

Learn About Wildlife In Singapore with ACRES Instagram AR Filter

ACRES is the only wildlife charity organization in Singapore with a focus on wildlife animal rescue and awareness. As Singapore is mostly an urban city and not many people know about the wildlife Singapore has in its country, GOWAAA felt the importance to use an AR Instagram filter to promote wildlife in Singapore. The Instagram filter is a randomizer filter where random wildlife of Singapore will be generated in each use to tell you what urban wildlife you are. It also ends with a simple description of how urban wildlife in Singapore can have a similar personality to you! Our favorite is the jungle fowl, what about you?

In all, AR Instagram filter can be used for more than just promoting a brand. It can be an effective tool to raise awareness or just simply used to add in more fun while educating the younger audiences.

Still curious how Instagram AR filters can be used for your organization besides brand promotion? contact us @ to find out more!

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